Crooked Scoreboard Presents: FantasyWad

Just like most sports fans, I love gambling using my knowledge to earn money based on athletic performances. So when daily fantasy sports hit the scene, I wanted in on the action. I was excited to see the occasional commercial about people who seem really relatable and nice winning all sorts of money on DraftKings

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Tin Cup Magazine Reviews The Great Gatsby

Thanks for joining me for another edition of Reader in the Clubhouse. I’m forever grateful for all of the fan suggestions that come my way. Your letters, e-mails, and random conversations at Olive Garden are the lifeblood that keeps this column going. There’s one book in particular that I never stop hearing about. “When will

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NFL Quick Snaps, Week 5

The Lions are the only winless team, at 0-5. After the game, the Christians asked the Lions for a rematch. It’s been a tough year all around for Lions. First that dentist killed one, now everybody’s piling on. The Lions are so bad, Disney went back and renamed the movie The Bengal King.

The Devil’s Sports Dictionary (Abridged)

With apologies to Ambrose Bierce. arena (n.) – a palatial structure beloved in part for its displays of human athleticism, but mostly for its $5 Dasani boo (v.) – a low braying noise one makes when one is unable to play any sport skillfully Canseco (v.) – to err egregiously “I can’t watch the Little League World Series,

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Roger Goodell Suspends Kicker, Because Why Not?

An NFL spokesperson announced today that Commissioner Roger Goodell has suspended rookie kicker Dan Smith of BYU for the entirety of the 2015 season. When asked about the reason for the suspension, Goodell cackled and gently stroked his Persian cat. “To be honest, I just love suspending people,” Goodell said. “It’s fun! I get to

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Introducing the New Sport of Dog Parking

Even dogs need to keep in mind that life is a competition. The new sport of dog parking adds a sporting element to something that most dogs just consider fun. Well, fun is for losers, so here are some ways your dog can get and maintain a competitive edge at the dog park: