Under Further Review: Eddie the Eagle

There are two kinds of inspiring Olympic movies: the kind that awe us with accounts of athletes in peak condition, and the kind that amuse us with accounts of regular people who somehow found Olympic glory. This second kind is more relatable. You’re not fast enough to be Jesse Owens, and you don’t have the

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Under Further Review: Race

When you have a story that’s about track and field as well as racial prejudice, the temptation to call it Race is too great to resist, and we should not fault the makers of Race for it. They are not made of stone. In fact, that title turns out to be a perfect fit for

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Under Further Review: The Great Alone

Last week, I had the good fortune to catch Mad Max: Fury Road. I came into the theater expecting an incredible odyssey through a fantastical, apocalyptic environment (those hopes were completely met). I had no reason, however, to anticipate the realization that would hit me several days later: Fury Road is a perfect primer for

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