Imagine you and your friend sat down to discuss a simple basketball question: Who is better—Carmelo Anthony or LeBron James? Basketball fans could spend hours debating a question like this. But let’s say you invited me to come along for the discussion. At first, this might seem like a good idea. My co-authors and I
Why the Love Trade Would Destroy the Fabric of the Universe, or Something Bad Like That
The feeling of gently removing the plastic from a new electronic device. Getting into bed after a hard day of work, safely sheltered from all the world’s ills. Chicken parm. Perfection is a rarity in the world, and we need to appreciate it when we come across it. Like waking a sleeping lion, the consequences
Which NBA Draft Class Produced the Best Starting Five?
As you know, the 2014 NBA Draft class has been proactively referred to as one of the best collections of talent in the league’s history. We’re just as excited as the next sports blog, but of course we wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t overanalyze this claim in purely theoretical ways. The question I want